Simply put — social engineering works. Ask any Threat Actor in the business. Social engineering was behind more than 95% of the attacks reported last year by Purplesec. Consequently, educating your staff on what it is and how to spot it is nothing less than critical. Here are the top 10 most common types of […]
What are the Signs of a Social Engineering Attack and How Can you Prevent Them? Social engineering is the most significant risk in the cyber threat landscape today. Over 98%[1] of cyber attacks rely on social engineering target staff as the primary attack vector, but many of you already know that. What are the signs […]
Social Engineering can be summed up as ‘hacking the human’. Traditional malicious hacking attacks a digital instance of an organisation (i.e. website, network or system) and attempts to gain unauthorised access or cause harm by exploiting a vulnerability. Social engineering instead focuses on a person and attempts to exploit human frailties by coercing or tricking […]