Should I Be Worried About Mobile Phone Hacking?

“But my phone cannot be hacked!” Phrases like this are far too common and can hold significant consequences. For one, those who believe any device they use is impenetrable are unaware of the threats they face. Historically, these statements have a 100% chance of being wrong and have demonstrated that cyber security is a marathon, […]

Don’t be Vulnerable to Vishing – Identify and Mitigate Risk


In this post, you’ll learn why vishing is successful and what you can do to mitigate the risk of being vished. Vishing is a form of social engineering. Much like phishing, it can be used to manipulate people into giving away usernames, passwords and sometimes bank details. Vishing: Exploitation by voice commands Vishing is the […]

What can we learn from 2019 data breaches

2019 breaches

We thought we would start 2020 by looking backwards. Specifically looking back at the biggest data breaches of 2019, seeing how many records were breached, getting a broad understanding of the nature of the attacks and then looking forward to seeing how we can learn lessons and protect our data assets better in the future. […]

Risk Crew Wishes You a Breach Free 2020

Looking back to 2019 and forward to 2020 If our Principal Consultant, Richard Hollis, had his Google Location Services on this year (he hasn’t of course, he’s not that mad!) it would throw up an image similar to what it would look like if you gave a kitten a ball of wool and it started […]

As a nation, are we cyber security aware?

In the following blog post, we are going to shine a spotlight on the general cyber threat landscape in the UK, examine the most prevalent forms of attack and look at the detrimental implications these attacks have on organisations. After reading this post, we hope you’ll be able to see where your company figures in […]

Spear Phishing – Why you should “Fear the Spear”

SPEAR PHISHING, WHALING, BUSINESS EMAIL COMPROMISE AND CEO FRAUD IS ON THE RISE AND COSTING COMPANIES BILLIONS Have you heard of the acronym: FUD? It stands for ‘Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt.’ Unfortunately, the Information Security industry has a bit of a bad rep for selling their services off the back of FUD: “Don’t want the […]

Google’s Quantum Supremacy – Anyone else feeling underwhelmed?

I noticed on the news the other day that there is (yet another) Terminator film out: Dark Fate, where Sarah Connor is back, now looking like a cross-between The Golden Girls meets Super Gran. …And of course, good old Arnie has come good with his famous promise: “I’ll be back” although perhaps it would be […]

You sank my YouTube Channel!

‘Massive’ YouTube content creator hack confirmed – 23 million influencers and creators could be affected. If you, like me have memories of just three TV channels, recording the Top 40 on your cassette player and of course the board game Battleship then the phrase social media influencer may have you scratching your head, set your teeth on edge or something in-between.  It turns out […]

Why Information Security Awareness Training is Important

a young male using the eRiskology Information Security Awareness elearning portal

Good information security awareness training can turn your workforce into the strongest line of defence instead of the ‘weakest link’.  Around 70 – 80% of all breaches can be attributed to the human element, yet companies often focus their resource of software-based security solutions. Where do we start? If you haven’t already found our post […]

What’s the difference between Information Security and Cyber Security?

“Ah you want the Security Department, this is the Department of Security” I saw a headline the other day, the basic premise of which was suggesting that IT should take full responsibility for cyber security, removing the onus of it from users, thus allowing creatives to be more, well, creative. To be honest, I didn’t […]

Risk Crew