Goodbye Tale of 2021. Cheers to Opening a New Book!

Are you ready to close this book? What a journey 2021 has been. We’ve extremely enjoyed [...]

Severe Vulnerability Discovered in Java Logging Package – Log4j

Some of you may know, a severe vulnerability was discovered in Log4j, a Java logging [...]

Siege Warfare – WordPress Sites Under Attack for 36 hours

WordPress sites have been under attack for 36 hours, from 16,000 IP addresses. Threat Intelligence [...]

Hundreds of Vulnerabilities in Common Wi-Fi Routers Affect Millions

Researchers from the German IT Magazine publisher CHIP discovered hundreds of potential vulnerabilities across nine [...]

Google Project Zero Detect Vulnerabilities in Zoom

Security experts from Google Project Zero detected two vulnerabilities in the video conferencing application Zoom [...]

Microsoft Exchange Servers Compromised in Reply-Chain Attacks

Threat actors are leverage known vulnerabilities against unpatched exchange servers to distribute malware and avoid [...]

Clearing the Confusion: Red Team vs Penetration Test

More than often when organisations are directed by the board to deploy a Red Team [...]

Avanan Observed a New Amazon Cyber Attack

Christmas is here, which only means that it is officially shopping season and considering the [...]

Try Red Team Testing to Improve ROI

Typically, ROI is seen as money spent vs money received to see if the investment [...]

Risk Crew