The business case for penetration testing – Preaching to the unconverted:
How do you communicate ROI on Penetration Testing to gain buy-in? Did you get your [...]
You sank my YouTube Channel!
‘Massive’ YouTube content creator hack confirmed – 23 million influencers and creators could be affected. [...]
IoT Home “security” cameras: Are you having a laugh!?
The Amazon Ring Tale “Update: 29/01/2020: so far, when yet more tales of woe (usually [...]
The British Airways Data Breach “fine”
Sometimes the truth grows wings and takes flight How UK media reported the ICO’s intention [...]
Why Information Security Awareness Training is Important
Good information security awareness training can turn your workforce into the strongest line of defence [...]
If some weird decree came into force that dictated you could only write data privacy [...]
What’s the difference between Information Security and Cyber Security?
“Ah you want the Security Department, this is the Department of Security” I saw a [...]
Would you trust an MP with your data? [DPA Compliance]
This week’s missive contains as Ben Elton used to say, “a little bit of politics..” It seems [...]
Data Hack: Was Bezos a Bozo?
We doubt it, he probably just needs some awareness training You’ve probably heard about Jeff [...]
Don’t Go Chasing Information Security Unicorns
You may have noticed that unicorns are in the news a lot of late. Often, [...]